2013 - uncertainty abounds

2012 was a big year for me. I took my driving more seriously, trying to better myself as a driver. I wanted to learn how to go faster, and how to expedite my process of learning a new track and bringing myself up to pace with everyone else. For the most part it worked. I learned a great deal, approached my driving differently, and learned what makes me learn new tracks the best. All in all, a pretty successful year in my opinion.
But what does 2013 bring? To be honest, I've got no clue. I feel like I need to figure a few things out in my personal life. 2013 probably leads to more instructing - sharing the social aspect of the track. I don't want to say 2012 was an anti-social year as it was anything but. However, I did feel myself taking it all too serious at times. Maybe it's time to reevaluate why I do this in the first place. It's always fun, but when do I need to be serious and when do I just need to relax?
2013 - a new year. A new beginning.
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